The incident 1967 cast
The incident 1967 cast


One student threw the canister back in the direction of the officers, and shots were fired from the tank and from the surrounding officers. As the students began to emerge from the building, the officers launched tear gas canisters at them. They surrounded the administration building and ordered the students to come outside.


Over 300 police and National Guard officers arrived on the campus in full riot gear and with a tank. Netterville left the campus, an unknown caller alerted the police that the university president was being held hostage by the students in his administration building.


Meanwhile, other students set fire to the registration office and other university buildings. Netterville agreed and told the students that they could wait for his return in his office. Leon Netterville, and asked him to go to the police and ask for the release of the arrested students. On the morning of November 16, the student organization met with the university president, Dr. Four students were arrested in the early hours of November 15, and the officers left the campus. Initially, they followed students across campus and used intimidation tactics to stop the protests. Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards ordered the campus closed, citing safety reasons, and sent in members of the National Guard, and local police officers. Southern University had a very large football following, and during one game, student protesters took over the field and stopped a game. For over a month, the students boycotted classes and held demonstrations throughout the campus. By November of 1972, in an attempt to present their grievances about campus conditions to the university administration, the students formed an organization, Students United, led by Rickey Hill and Fred J. Students also wanted more courses on African American history and culture and a separate, Black-controlled board of trustees. The students of Southern University had endured low-quality food, inadequate funding, overcrowded and improper housing, that included worn out and torn mattresses in such bad shape, that many opted to sleep on the floor of their dorm rooms instead. The State of Louisiana spent only half as much money on the Black students and their facilities as they did on the white students in predominantly white colleges and universities. Although the school president and most of the administration were Black, the university itself was under the control of the Louisiana State Legislature.

the incident 1967 cast the incident 1967 cast

In 1970, over 10,000 Black students attended the university.

the incident 1967 cast

Southern University, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is the largest historically Black college in the nation.

The incident 1967 cast